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Worm Control


  • Drench Resistance Testing (Sheep and Cattle)

Our Drench Resistance Test (DRT) is fully independent from all products and pharmaceutical companies ensuring accurate, unbiased  results. Our DRT tells you how well each drench active works on each worm type present on your property. 


  • WEC ASBV's

We provide both the faecal sampling and lab testing. All you need to do is get the sheep in the yards!


  • On Farm Worm Egg Counts (WEC)

Get instant results while the sheep are in the yards! This is commonly used at shearing, marking or weaning. This gives you real time data to make calculated drenching decisions.


  • Worm Control Plan (WCP)

Comprehensive WCP tailor made using drench resistance results and WEC's from your sheep and cattle.


  • Pasture Worm Contamination

Assess how many worms are on the paddock. This gives you the information to reduce reinfection rate and plan ahead


  • Fly Resistance Testing


  • Product Choice Advisement (Worm, Fly and Lice control)

Product choice can be the difference between achieving production goals and stock suddenly going backwards. Get professional advice for better outcomes. 



We partner with specialist sheep and cattle Vets servicing all parts of NSW and Northern/Central VIC to bring you the highest level of specific sheep and cattle veterinary services.


  • Ram vasectomies 

If your off season joining or want a tighter joining period with less empties, teasers are one of the many tools to achieve this.


  • Pre-Joining Ram Exams

Don't leave the performance of your profit drivers up to chance. Make sure you get the team checked over before they run on the field.​​


  • AI (Sheep and Cattle)

Fast track your genetic gains and use the best of the best.


  • Preg Scanning (Sheep and Cattle)


  • Bull Testing

Make sure the boys are ready to run on the field. Our veterinary bull tests are the best in the business. Included is: Semen (mobility & morphology), penis exam, serving ability, size and palpation, internal exam, Vibro and 7in1 Vaccine.


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